Election Manifestos

Whilst many of us will be planning our staycations this Summer, recess provides a crucial opportunity for.

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Plaid Cymru Manifesto 2003

Plaid Cymru’s manifesto for the 2003 Assembly Elections outlines their “alternative programme” for the government of Wales. Split into 3 parts – 1. the challenge ahead 2. Plaid Cymru’s Programme for Government 3. Powers and Governance; the Party takes the opportunity to outline the failure of the Labour Party and the “lack of ambition for Wales’ future.”

The manifesto has health at the top of its agenda, promising 300 more doctors and extra nurses by the end of the Assembly term in 2007. On the economy, they would introduce a regional economic plan with the aim of spreading jobs more evenly across Wales. They also promise to expand Welsh medium education and pledge to introduce more police officers out on the streets. Their vision for seeing the National Assembly becoming a proper parliament by 2007 is also a key pledge, as well as a promise to establish a National Convention to agree on a draft bill to transform the National Assembly into a legislating parliament by 2007.

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